
Sunny europe catalogue 2018
Sunny europe catalogue 2018


The use of various European-wide remotely sensed imagery as input and a uniform and automated methodology yields high comparability of the map across countries. The main sources include the CLC Change Maps, the Copernicus High Resolution Layers (forest, water, wetlands, and imperviousness layers), the Copernicus Urban Atlas and Coastal Zones, the Global Human Settlement Layer from the Joint Research Centre, as well as the TomTom Multinet and OpenStreeMap.


The methodology consists of a structured, automated and reproducible geospatial data fusion approach that integrates disparate but highly detailed land use information from a series of trusted, off-the-shelf datasets onto the CLC 2018 map, relying on data from the reporting year 2018 whenever possible. LINEAGE: The 2018 edition of the LUISA Base Map is constructed by refining the original thematic and spatial detail of the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) 2018. RESOLUTION: MMU = 1ha (artificial surfaces) MMU = 5ha (non artificial surfaces) pixel resolution = 50m, 100m The LUISA Base Map can be used for multiple purposes and it is more suitable than CORINE for applications requiring fine spatial and/or thematic detail of land use/land cover consistently across Europe, such as land use/cover accounting and modelling.Ĭoverage: EU27, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom. The LUISA Base Map delivers a higher overall spatial detail and finer thematic breakdown of artificial land use/cover categories (17 categories instead of 11 in CORINE). It corresponds to a modified and improved version of the CORINE Land Cover 2018 map. Use cross list as a guidance only.The LUISA Base Map 2018 is a high-resolution land use/land cover map developed and produced by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Part Finder / Product Finder valid for Europe region only! Other regions are not covered.ĭue to different materials and manufacturing processes, variations may possibly occur. Reproduction of this publication, partial or total, is strictly prohibited without a prior written authorisation of NGK SPARK PLUG Europe GmbH. The property of the pictures, diagrams, drawings and other graphic elements and data belong to NGK SPARK PLUG Europe GmbH exclusively. Pictures, diagrams and drawings in this online publication are not contractual. All ordered products are subject to valid terms and conditions supplied by NGK SPARK PLUG Europe GmbH. For all different usage or post equipment, the responsibility of NGK cannot be engaged.


Product linkage to vehicles or tools applications from this publication are considered under normal condition of use, fitted by a professional and for vehicles registered in Europe. NGK SPARK PLUG Europe GmbH will not accept liability for any inaccuracy. This online catalogue is made for information only. NGK SPARK PLUG Europe GmbH has made its best effort to ensure an accurate information, based on data available at the time of the update. This online catalogue supersedes all previous versions. Specification is subject to change without notice. See recommendations sections for specific engine application. Due to differences in design, materials, etc., plugs produced by various manufacturers do not have the same heat range.

Sunny europe catalogue 2018